Our Services
New Building Permit
This service enables consultants and contractors to obtain building permit for new construction project and, inclusively before starting any onsite works.It requires data filling and uploading engineering drawings which will be reviewed by related authorities engineers and accordingly a permit shall be issued.
New Building Permit - Renewal
This service can be initiated by the consultant to renew an expired issued new building permit, new expiry date will be decided by zoning authority if request is approved
New Building Permit - Revision
This service can be initiated by the consultant to allow requesting for modification on the approved drawings, these modifications should not be major changes on the overall design.
New Building Permit - Redesign
This service can be initiated by the consultant to allow requesting for major modification on the approved drawings.
New Building Permit - Ammendment
This service can be initiated by consultant to request basic changes on the new building permit (i.e. project description, plot changes or conditional removal)
Project Consultant Replacement
This service can be initiated by consultant to request the current project consultant by another consultant company
Project Contractor Replacement
This service can be initiated by consultant to request the current project contractor by another eligible contractor company
Building Completion Certificate
This service can be initiated by consultant to request building completion certificate (Partial or Full)
BIM submission and Automated Code Compliance Checking
This service can be used by consultant to obtain GIS related information through the project parcel number and submit BIM models according to Dubai BIM standards for automated code compliance checking of selected building regulations based on Dubai Building Code.